Clever Applications LLC Приложения

Map Tools - Coordinates Datums 2.3
"Map Tools" is a utility that let users tofully utilize coordinates. Map Tools converts coordinates amongvarious datums and coordinate systems. It also calculates distanceand bearing between two coordinates in a number of coordinatesystems. You can even get coordinates of your current location invarious coordinate systems and datums.GPS and network are not required to use this app."Map Tools" Features:- Coordinates conversion and distance calculation in the followingcoordinate systems: Geodetic Coordinates (DD, DM, DMS), UTM, UPS,MGRS, USNG, Georef, Map Grid Australia 1994 (MGA94), New ZealandTransverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000), New Zealand Map Grid (NZMG)and British National Grid (OSGB).- Datum conversion. "Map Tools" comes with 230 datums, whichinclude WGS84, NAD27, NAD83, GDA94, NZGD2000, NZGD1949, OSGB36,ED50 and a lot more.- Use your current location as the input for the coordinateconversion and distance calculation- Copy and paste the coordinates from and to the app- Convert between 3 different Geodetic formats: Decimal Degrees,Degrees Minutes, Degrees Minutes Seconds
Basic GPS 1.0
Basic GPS allows you to see your location onthe map of your smart phones and tablets. You can store thoselocations as waypoints. In addition, you can share the waypointwith your friends through NFC, Bluetooth, Google+, Email, Messagingand more. Waypoints can be shared as plain text or a Google KMLfile.It is an idea companion for outdoor activities, such as hiking,running, biking, sailing, kayaking and many more. The screendisplays the latitude, longitude or any of the selected grid systemalong with position error, bearing, altitude, and speed.Grid systems that are supported by this app are: MGRS, UTM/UPS,US National Grid (USNG), Georef, Map Grid Australia 1994 (MGA94),British National Grid (OSGB), New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000(NZTM2000) and New Zealand Map Grid (NZMG).A waypoint can be created using the device's current location orthe user can enter the coordinates or grid reference manuallythrough the "create waypoint" dialog. In addition, the app is ableto create a new waypoint when the user long press on the GPSmap.
Clever Applications LLC
MGRS GPS allows you to see your MGRS location on the map ofyoursmart phones and tablets. You can store those locationsaswaypoints. In addition, you can share the waypoint withyourfriends through NFC, Bluetooth, Google+, Email, Messaging andmore.Waypoints can be shared as plain text or a Google KML file.Awaypoint can be created using the device's current location ortheuser can enter the grid reference manually through the"createwaypoint" dialog. In addition, the app now is able to createa newwaypoint when the user long press on the GPS map. The appcomeswith an App Widget that provides you the latest locationreadingreceived by the MGRS GPS app.The widget can be displayed onthehome screen as well as the lock screen (lock screen widgetrequiresAndroid version 4.2 and above).